Bah Humbug!!!
Yes, that's right, Scrooge is here again! But it may not be the Scrooge you're thinking of! South's S.C.R.O.O.G.E Campaign is one of the biggest fundraising events of the year. South students bring in cans to their homeroom classes and all our amazing cans go to help families in need this holiday season! (How awesome are we?) The homeroom class with the most cans will win super amazing prizes, brought to you by the students council! (That means they'll be good!)
As long as we're here, I'd better mention Life Spin! Life Spin helps provide things for families who will be going without lots this Christmas. The homeroom classes at South can decide if they want a big or small family, and Life Spin will provide your class with a family to sponsor, and a list of things they want. You can bring in gently used items like old (but clean) clothes, jackets, hats and mittens, or toys you don't use anymore! You can even bring in money! Anything helps these families to have an awesome Christmas!
Please donate to both of these great campaigns! Everyone deserves to have a Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, so help a family today! (or tomorrow. Or from now until the campaign ends!) Go South! :)